Cursed Years

Play by Volodymyr Smotrytel. Tragedy. Based on the works of repressed poets Oleg Olzhych, Yevhen Pluzhnyk, Yuriy Klen, Vasyl Stus, Taras Melnychu, Taras Shevchenko.

Directed by Volodymyr Smotrytel.
Duration of the performance: 50 minutes.
Premiered in 1993.

Throughout 50 minutes, spectators have the opportunity to witness the turning pages of history from the 1920s to the 1990s in the 20th century. The main character of the performance is a contemporary individual who, immersed in the atmosphere of different times through poetic works, embodies the genius of those poets. These poets, through their words, fought for the right to live in a free, independent, and lawful Ukraine, for which they were subjected to “stone shirts.”

It was this very performance that marked the opening of the first theatrical season of the Khmelnytskyi Municipal Mono-Theatre “KUT” on August 24, 1993. In 2014, at the XVI International Monodrama Festival “Vidlunnya,” this show received the highest accolade – the Grand Prix.